Saturday, 11 October 2014

(AW) Ribs II

A second attempt

After the not-so perfect first attempt at doing ribs, I was determined to get it right. So plenty more internet research has lead us to 3 and 3.

And this time we 
nailed it. Ribs where the meat just fell of the bones. Again drenched in MN's BBQ sauce.

What we did

Left these Flintstones throw-backs overnight in the homemade bbq rub, then cooked at 250f for 3 hours in the rib rack, then wrapped in foil, and cooked for another 3 hours at 250f. Finally unwrapped and glazed in homemade bbq sauce and cooked for another 10 mins to sticky it up. The meat just fell off the bones.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

(AW) Nothin spare about these ribs

First BBQ ribs

Time to test the kit that I ordered. So, ribs here we go. After much research, it looks like 3 and 2 might be the way to go, so we cooked these badgers for 3 hours in the rack uncovered, and then 2 hours in foil. 

They were super tasty, but no where near soft enough. Need to tweek the timings and temp I think (not to mention getting bigger ribs!)