Thursday, 30 April 2015

(MN) Double Venison & Pulled Pork Burger

While the woman is away I wanted to take advantage of some alone time. So I made what can only be described as a Turk Burger Killer!!!

The joy of the minimax is the speed in which you can get it going, from lighting to 600F only took 10 mins and very little lumpwood!

I was recently given some very nice venison burgers from a friend, this was there time to shine! I also have a secret fetish for Dairlylee Sliced cheese which I could explore while Kelly wasn't here to witness! 

Step one..
Set up egg in direct mode with cast iron grill upside down.

Step two.. Spray burgers with butter!

Step three - prep bun and cheese 

Step four.. Burgers on! 2 mins a side then...

Step five - add cheese

Step six- Add buns and close up egg. Leave for 30 seconds..

Take off grill and in house for construction!

Now to finish the burger, Kelly recently made pulled pork soup from left overs, it was fairly epic and in a moment genius I figured if I could strain the juice out it would be epic pulled pork... It was! Reheated in the pan to try and get some of the last of the moisture out..

But first.. Add cheese

Was pretty epic I can tell you!!

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