Tuesday, 30 June 2015

(MN) Smoked Bacon Scotch Eggs

Yep.. I went there! Unfortunately on this occasion one came out too runny and one was just to hard. 10 mins cooking time difference so I know for next time 35-40 mins is the sweet spot! Still epic!!


1 large free range egg and boil for 4 miles. Pull immediately out of the water in to cool ice water and leave to cool completely..

Then peel carefully. Very carefully!!

Cut the skin off your favourite sausage (or make your own sausage meat) and roll two together. As time was against me I used bought in Cumberland.

Flatten sausage balls and place on the egg. Put the second flattened sausage ball over th top and seal..

Wrap with bacon!! Streaky and smokey of course!

Place on the egg in indirect mode at 400f for 35-40 mins! That should get you perfection!
I pull d the first at 30 and it was undercooked and the second 45.



When I can face eating again I'll nail this bad boy!!

Also dog a quick sausage number with the left overs..

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